Monday, December 8, 2008

Busy bee

I am busy wow its crazy. Finals are next week and I have 3. Two of those are very important as in need a decent grade in order to pass the classes. I babysat last night and am heading to babysit tonight for a few hours. I have a math exam tomorrow and I'm tired. 
On the plus side I am making extra money to pay for my weight watchers membership and in two weeks I'll be done and have a month off from school. That means I am getting on the weight watchers wagon at just the right time because I will be off of school and able to focus on my health. I will be able to get into a good rhythm and get this weight off! Yay for fresh starts and progress.


Crystal said...

Best of luck with your finals ... I had 3 last week and have 2 more this week!! I'm really looking foward to Thursday because then I'm off school for 3-4 week YAY!!!

Pheonix said...

I've nominated you for the Marie Antoinette award on my blog! LOVE YA!