Thursday, July 9, 2009

30 day Shred

I was browsing fitness dvds looking for something that might interest the husband and get him moving. He is the kind of guy who loses weight easily but doesn't want to work out. I really worry about his cardiovascular health so I have been trying to get him moving.

The 30 day Shred was on sale for $6.99 with $3 shipping so not bad at all. I figured it wasn't a girlie stepish dancing dvd so he might actually do it. I told him about it and he said he would do it. SO the plan is to do the dvd together every night for 30 days, hopefully we can stick to it.

I am just hoping that is doesn't affect my running abilities. I would hate to not be able to run becasue of my legs being sore. anyone tried the shred while doing the c25k? Did it slow you down?

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