Monday, July 6, 2009


So today was one big oops so far. Long story short I went over my daily points by 20 due to a pint of Ben and Jerrys. It sucks but I just wanted it so bad. After having a week with no loss and the only explanation being that I didn't eat enough I made sure that won't happen this week after today.

Well I am not going to let this snowball any further. Having my period is so not an excuse. I ate for comfort for sure and now I have to get a little uncomfortable and work it off. I will run today and try to get it together.

I like the idea that I am not losing because I am forming new muscle and because muscle holds water. I am going to put my scale away and not weigh myself until Sunday. I am going to except that the number on the scale isn't the whole truth. I look better and feel better. My clothes don't seem to fit all that differently but it will come with time.

I will meet my goal for my cruise as long as I keep on moving forward. At first my goal was to hit the 140s by losing 40ish pounds which I still want to move towards but the underlying point wasn't about a number. The true point is that I want to go on my vacation and feel comfortable in my body. I want to do all the activities that I would be too embarrassed to do now at this size. I want a real vacation!!

So onward and downward!

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