Friday, November 13, 2009

piglet (warning bummed out post ahead)

I ate like a piglet today. I binged, I ate beyond the point of feeling sick, then I ate more. I should know better than to buy a bag of chips and a tub of dip. As a matter of fact I am sitting here right now thinking that I would like to go finish it off.

Instead, I tried on my tankini for the cruise. Not happy with that whole situation. At this point if I do not lose 10-15lbs by February I will need to purchase another suit. Craptastic.

The thing that makes me the most upset is that I am in control of this, I can change this. I really wish I could go back to weight watchers meetings but we just cannot afford it. I am feeling pretty out of control today and I don't like it. I tried cleaning the apt and got somethings done but I still have a long way to go. I wish someone could just slap me and snap me out of this funk.

I'm really tired. I babysat last night and didn't get home until midnight, up at 7 for my internship. This is not helping my situation thats for sure. I am going to pop in a movie and lay in bed. I suck today. I sucked pretty much all week. This is not the state of mind that I need to be in as I head into the holidays. Somethings got to shift.

Bed, Movie, Sleep.

1 comment:

Georgia Mist said...

Go to Spark People

It's very similar to Weight Watchers but it is absolutely FREE. There are nutrition, Fitness, and weight trackers, message boards, blogs, teams, articles, etc.

I've lost 34 pounds there so far.