Friday, December 26, 2008

Back home

SO I am home. Christmas went as well as it could considering that we had a major loss in our family. My great grandmother died in her sleep in Christmas eve. She was in her late 80's and very alive and healthy up until the day she died. At first I cried but then I realized that she lived a long life and that atleast she is with my great grandfather now. She has been a lone for 10+ years now and I know that that has to have been hard for her. I will miss her.


♥ Dee ♥ said...

Oh my... how difficult for the family.

How wonderful for her. To have the whole family there for her.

It's a sad yet happy thing.

My heart is with you and yours.

Mom of Two Boys said...

Oh, I'm so, so sorry. I lost my grandfather last year and he was in his late 80s too. I know I can't say he died "young", but I still felt like he had so many years left. I know exactly how you feel. But you are right, she is in a much better place now.