Friday, December 19, 2008

I'm tired, relieved, a little pissed off, and worried. 
Firstly it has been the week from hell trying to get all my work/studying in. 
Secondly my finals are done thank goodness. 
Thirdly I got a D in physiopsych which means I have to retake the class next semester to get the C I need. Bonus suck I am already taking 5 classes (3psych) and this will make 6 (4psych). 
Last but not least I still have no idea if I have a job as of Jan 1. 

Food is good though. I still have 1 pt to go today and no desire to use it. I am hoping to get back on with my running this week and relieve some stress. 

Sometimes life sucks but you push on. I am trying really hard to focus on the positives but messing up this class has really got me down. I cannot time wise or financially afford this extra class next semester but in order to graduate in May I have to push on. On the plus side I have only turned to food to deal with stress once this week and I managed to work the rest of my days points around the oops. 

1 comment:

Mom of Two Boys said...

The fact that you've been managing your stress without turn food that often is quite the accomplishment!

For many of us, it's not really about the food at all, but the fact that it makes us feel good. I have to learn to find something else that feels equally as good... ie. knitting, pottery, reading, etc-- or do whatever you did this week to cope!

I think it's great that you're determined to still graduate in May despite all of the extra work. Good luck :)