Thursday, June 4, 2009

Beware TWI ahead

So today is the day I was to start the couch to 5k and I had a great excuse to get out of it. I woke up with my period, horrible. I was cranky, achy, and tired.

But I did it anyways! Yay go me.


Christina said...

Go for it!!! Great job on your motivation. It feels good to kick aside an excuse and just do it. You rock!!

Crystal said...

YOU ROCK!! I had a few things happen that I normally would of used as an excuse and not done it ... I did do it though, mind you I could finish the whole 20 minutes. I'm going to keep trying though, I know it will come easier with more practice!

Sara said...

Good for you...I'm quite sure my own motivation wouldn't have gotten me to do that much after starting my period!